About the SMMC Motorsport Medical Group

How to get involved

There are a wide range of opportunities to work as part of the safety response team on motorsport events, and there is always a need for more doctors, paramedics, nurses and rescue team members.

Doctors and paramedics attending motorsport meetings as "medical officers" must be in possession of a valid licence to practice.

Doctors must be registered with the GMC and paramedics must be registered with the HCPC.

FY1 and FY2 doctors may not act as "medical officers" at an event. Trainees beyond FY2 must ensure that the Approved Practice Setting restriction has been removed from their licence by the GMC.

Student medics / student paramedics can join Rescue teams as trainees and work towards a full Rescue licence. You will be working alongside medics and other rescue crew so will gain experience and many transferable skills. You can find out more about Rescue Teams at smmc.org.uk/rescue

Useful documents

Official’s Registration Form - all doctors, paramedics and rescue crew need to complete this for a Motorsport UK Licence

Full Yearbook 2024


Online training for medical and rescue licence holders


And you’ll get a warm fuzzy feeling if you join SMMC 😅
We’re a registered charity and although we’re a “marshalling” club, we specialise in safety services: radio, rescue and medical services. Membership of SMMC is £15 a year. https://www.smmc.org.uk/join