The Motorsport Medical Group is intended to establish a community of interest to foster information sharing and provide access to a wide range of resources.
This Group is aimed at doctors, nurses, paramedics, AHPs, rescue crews, students, and anyone else that has a genuine interest in sharing best practice and information about medicine and pre-hospital care in a motorsport setting.
"For petrolheads and non-petrolheads alike, [working as part of the safety services team in motorsport] is a great way to spend a weekend. You can develop key skills such as communication, team working, and situational awareness, in addition to more specific skills including extrication and resuscitation." (Davies and Whitehouse, 2016)

About the Motorsport Medical Group
Regardless of speciality, we all have a common desire to provide a high-quality service to improve the safety of competitors, officials and spectators. And to enjoy the craic!

Community Hub
We've started initially with a bank of resources – including quick links to some of the common documentation required for events and a discussion forum. This is a work in progress… we'll add content that we think will be relevant and useful, but you can also share thoughts and documents yourselves.

Motorsport medicine: a job in the fast lane
Eryl Davies and Sam Whitehouse explain how working as motorsport doctors means they always get a trackside view of the race. Read more about Eryl and Sam.

What's On
Dozens of events run nationwide on any given weekend during the year.
View a comprehensive list on the SAMSC website…

Get Involved
There are a wide range of opportunities to work as part of the safety response team on motorsport events, and there is always a need for more doctors, paramedics, nurses and rescue crew members.

About SMMC
The Motorsport Medical Group (and this website) is managed by the Scottish Motorsport Marshals Club.